Free Day out
I can get completely free local travel with my bus pass from April 1st. Unless it’s Gordon’s April fool.
So I go into town for 0p. What next? Well I have a £6 Tesco voucher and a £30 book token which I got when I left college. I don’t know how I managed it, but I earned £28 on my Advantage card so I can go wild in Boots. I get fed up of all the coupons in my bag which stay there til their expiry date and then get thrown away
The slight problem is PRIMARK. My bus drops me off right at the main entrance and it is seriously going out of your way not to walk through to Market St. I got into that habit years ago when it was Lewis’s. I can’t buy a T shirt.
What about lunch? At home I often forget about it, but this is a DAY OUT. I could take back that skirt to M & S that I bought 3 months ago. I’ll never wear it. Or is that cheating? I could buy a sandwich with my Tesco voucher and eat it in a bench. It might be raining.
Entertainment? I’ll look round the art gallery after spending the vouchers. I can take so long browsing round Waterstones that I probably won’t have time. My pal Graham works there so he’ll probably treat me to a coffee anyway if he has a break.
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