Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I’d be a bit pissed off if Britney Spears did a crash course in Chemistry and got herself a column in the Guardian
giving advice to A level students.

So I can imagine how some psychologists feel about Pamela Stephenson’s latest career. Oops - sorry I mean Pamela Stephenson Connolly.

How do you have sex 1.8 time a year??

Now Pamela used to be great on ‘Not the Nine O’clock News‘. She did a mean Janet Street Porter

Now that Billy isn’t funny any more - she probably has to bring home some cash - but why can‘t she just go and work at Tesco like most women?

Remember the lovely Kim Wilde? Sexy pop star all in black - the subject of many a lad’s wet dreams.
Then she got chubby and reinvented herself as a gardening expert.

Alan Tit couldn’t complain because, as well as a novelist and music presenter he starts a new daytime chat show next week.

But we’ll forgive my pal Bill Oddie. He was always a birder - the Goodies were just a small diversion.
Oh and he never did like that Humble woman.

I wish she’d reinvent herself.
Reinvention? Anyone else?


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Blogger stitchwort said...

Gosh, for a change I've actually heard of all these people - still can't think of anything to say about them though.

9:34 am  
Blogger Rog said...

The NTNOCN team were total genius but all went on to become total tedious apart from Mel Smith.
Pammy only did the psycho stuff so they could use the brilliant headline "Shrink Wrap" for the TV interviews. I read the preview about her exploring Stephen Fry's innermost crevices and decided to give it a miss.

*Hello Betty!*
(My new campaign to offer solace and support for the Plumpstead Two by putting the above message on every comment. T-Shirts available in Orange)

10:32 am  
Blogger Zig said...

Oh hello Betty and Geoff

C A N Y O U R E A D T H I S?

bit like talking to Jonny Foreigner what?

Anyway - that was crap advice from Ms S-C wasn't it? Funnily enough it was the Amex card ad on NTNON that I remember best; she'd probably have something to say about that in a her job as it involved her tits - I just thought it was funny - honest.

11:02 am  
Blogger Geoff said...

Well hello.

We've just got to convince Betty it's alright to cheat the system (if they'll allow us).

The only thing I can remember from NTNOCN is that bloody awful ABBA pisstake, SuperDouper. Old rubberface's gurning - yuck.

Kim Wilde was Sting for boys.

Sorry, I'm in a bad mood.

1:54 pm  
Blogger Dave G said...

Judging by your pics of Kim she looks better now than she did then. Its amazing what a few years can do for you, besides any girl who can have a life changing experience because of colonic irrigation is all right by me.

3:32 pm  
Blogger Tom said...

I look in here twice a day waiting for your new post to appear but alas I leave without one being posted, then like now it is there for all to see and it always makes the wait worth while.
Pam was fine when being Porter.
N.T.N.O.C.N. was great at times, The Big Yin was much better when he was raw, but I do like his programmes and his bike. I think the best I've seen him and the funniest is when he is on 'Parkinson'.
Kim Wild... not my cup of tea.. then or now. Oddie cracks me up just talking about birds and wildlife never mind as part of the Goodies

4:31 pm  
Blogger KAZ said...

'tis enough that you visit, understand and comment.
My effort has not been in vain.

Genious to Tedious - it'll never happen to you Murph and you can take that whichever way you choose.

Shrink Wrap - I bet you gave them that idea - hope you got some cash out of the BBC.

We must not let G&B go over to the opposition.

I was looking at the NTNON videos and the 'rub my tits one' was there. She was very funny.
Her other thing was being outrageous on chat shows. It doesn't take an expert to diagnose 'attention seeking disorder'

I used to like Kim's dad.
The only good thing about Orange is the ads at the cinema.

*Bon Courage mon ami*

You amaze me - do you like the demure type with a few extra pounds and a cameo brooch in her hat?

Colonic irrigation - Wasn't that Princess Diana??

Thanks Wom - I'm a bit of an Oddie fan myself. I'm always hoping he'll have one of his famous bad moods and take it out on Kate.

5:44 pm  
Blogger KAZ said...

From KAZ to KAZ


See you

10:19 pm  
Blogger stitchwort said...

But I don't understand anything on your other blog!

11:29 pm  
Blogger KAZ said...

Buenos días
Muchas gracias for visiting.

You mean you don't speak Argentinian?

7:22 am  
Blogger The Quacks of Life said...

whats wrong with Kate? VERY easy on the eye

7:32 am  
Blogger I, Like The View said...

I'd like to reinvent myself as a non-smoker

any ideas?

1:15 pm  
Blogger Arabella said...

On reinvention - The Husband suggested Arnie, but I don't think it's much of a change from being a robot to governing California.
David Lee Roth is now a medical emergency technician, er... ambulance driver.

1:59 pm  
Blogger Rog said...

I think Frank Zappa, were he still alive, would be the Mother of Re-Invention. Probably presenting a knitting programme with Stitchwort. We don't hear much of son Moon-Unit Zappa, though.

Hugh Laurie seems to have transmogrified into a Doc with a dodgy accent.

3:39 pm  
Blogger KAZ said...

The easiness on the eye is indisputable.
But she's such a smug head girlie type who isn't very appreciative of Bill's charm (?)

You could try cocaine.

Agree re Arnie - there was Clint too.

But DLR - amazing! He was the Van Halen one wasn't he?
Imagine regaining consciousness to be staring at that.

I didn't know Stitch gave her kids such inventive names!

Hugh Laurie - yeah - I bet Stephen Fry's a bit jealous. All he got was Pamela Stephenson on the couch.

4:12 pm  
Blogger Dave said...

Reinvention: I went from being an insurance broker (standing between ordinary people and higher authority and interpreting the small print for them) to clergyman (standing between ordinary people...).

Kate only doesn't appreciate Bill because she keeps comparing him with me.

4:43 pm  
Blogger Mopsa said...

Bill is a hairy little irritant; Kate is incredibly patient with the lime-light seeking gnome.

6:49 pm  
Blogger The [Cherry] Ride said...

I'd like George Bush to reinvent himself as something useful to society... like maybe "dead."

8:44 pm  
Blogger KAZ said...

I was going to award you the Nobel prize for reinvention - but it seems that you just carried on as usual.

Maybe the bronze medal for modesty (?).

No No No!
The progaramme is Bill - he knows his birds and commands the respect of birders and naturalists. Kate is just the accessory and should think herself lucky to have a job.

the [cherry]ride:
Dead is too good for him.

Perhaps he could be a dart board.

10:25 pm  
Blogger stitchwort said...

Moon-Unit Zappa reinvented himself as Remote Control.

9:31 am  
Blogger KAZ said...

Ooh yes!
Or 'Channel Changer' as he'd be known in the States.

11:04 am  
Blogger tony said...

Billy C. used to be funny..........She must have spooked the humour out of him.
As for The Goodies........i never saw what was funny about them (apart from the Hair)

12:01 pm  
Blogger I, Like The View said...

how can tony say that!

what about the three seater bike? the giant kitten? the songs "String" and "Funky Gibbon"?

7:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd re-invent myself as me.

8:58 pm  
Blogger KAZ said...

In the early days I used to love Billy - the working class hero!
Pamela was a bit like Linda McCartney - the only way to popularity was death!

I don't really remember much about the Goodies. I did see the programmes but I muist have been under the influence of something or other.
Probably Holstein Pils.

Piggy and T:
You give a whole new meaning to the term egocentric!!

I'd be Chrissie Hynde.

9:14 pm  
Anonymous Heim said...

whats wrong with Kate? VERY easy on the eye

9:05 am  

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