Baby Boomers
Believe it or not - next week they will both be celebrating a very special birthday.
The one on the right is of German origin and has a fondness for organic farming and female sanitary protection.
This is his blog.
The other one lives in Norfolk. He is the only person in East Anglia who hasn't got his own blog.
But we hear all about him here.
He's known as Drew. This is because he likes puns and his second name is Peacock.
Murph sometimes calls him Pop.
This advert lets you into the secret of how he made his enormous fortune.
These two also emerged into the world in 1948. They decided on the make up at an early age so that they could avoid Botox in later life
Olivia and Lulu have survived 'til 60 along with Sven, Cat, Stevies Winwood and Nicks and the unassuming and charismatic Sir Andrew Lloyd Weber.
I was born in the same year as Rod Stewart, Bianca Jagger and George Best.
Find out (here) who was born in the same year as YOU.
I hope I'm first to wish Drew a Happy Birthday.
Life begins at ??
The one on the right is of German origin and has a fondness for organic farming and female sanitary protection.
This is his blog.
The other one lives in Norfolk. He is the only person in East Anglia who hasn't got his own blog.
But we hear all about him here.
He's known as Drew. This is because he likes puns and his second name is Peacock.
Murph sometimes calls him Pop.
This advert lets you into the secret of how he made his enormous fortune.
These two also emerged into the world in 1948. They decided on the make up at an early age so that they could avoid Botox in later life
Olivia and Lulu have survived 'til 60 along with Sven, Cat, Stevies Winwood and Nicks and the unassuming and charismatic Sir Andrew Lloyd Weber.
I was born in the same year as Rod Stewart, Bianca Jagger and George Best.
Find out (here) who was born in the same year as YOU.
I hope I'm first to wish Drew a Happy Birthday.
Life begins at ??
I was born in a year of gorgeousness!!! I'm feeling better now...
And I'm sure you have no intention of telling us which year that was.
I am so depressed now.
All those gorgeous, rich and famous people my age. And I am a single office worker. Although I had never heard of most of those people.
I too had never heard of most of the names shown, but Anthony Minghella, Chris Evert, Condoleezza Rice, Denzel Washington and John Travolta all claim to have been born in the same year as me. That can't be right. I'm sure I'd have remembered them.
Hope Drew makes good use of his bus pass.
Cheer up.
Beauty, wealth and celebrity doesn't always lead to happiness.
Does it??
I don't suppose they all lived in Gravesend like you and Drew!
But will they let Murph on for free as well?
Is that a pint of Newton and Ridley?
I'm so out of touch with the modern world. . .
. . .I didn't recognise any of the "celebrities"* born in the same year as myself
(*altho I didn't check for Boris' presence on the list - he's the same age as I am)
I was born in the same year as that other Hammer, Barack Obama. Lets hope he does better this week than the Irons have been doing recently.
Happy Birthday to Drew
Squashed tomatoes and stew
Bread and butter in the gutter
Happy birthday to Drew
*virtual bumps!*
Ageis just a number is it not? However most women protect it, lie about it, avoid it or obsess about it...Silly when you break down to those emotions. Always look, feel and do your best in life...We all have the same journey.
And I'm sure you have no intention of telling us which year that was.
Admitting to having a sprinkle of tasteful auburn highlights is one thing...'fessing up to what year I was born in is in a whole different league!
Goucho Marx said,You're only as old as the woman you feel
'57 was a good year to own a Chevrolet.
I had to live in the shadow of the other Donny..and if I could go back in Time, I would gladly skip over to the hospital where Osama Bin Hidin was born and change history.
No - I recognise the pump as Thwaites.
But I think Charles visited the Rovers once - to find out about the common people.
You're lucky - I sometimes worry about all the trivia my head collects and stores.
WOW -You, Russell and Obama.
Perhaps that's why his hair is turning grey.
*All together now - in the style of Chas and Dave*
Thanks for the advice.
I never quite know whether I'm doing my best or not.
Ginger (sorry auburn highlights) is OK round here.
As long as you're not Chris Evans!
Mr C:
Or as Karl Marx said 'Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex'.
We'll let them fight it out.
I never fancied that other Donny.
(I now know) I was born the same year that LSD was first taken in Britain.Trippy!
I was born in the year that man first set foot (allegedly) on the moon... and you don't get much more far out than that.
no that's not right, they're all much older than me.
Who doesn't want a life like Britneys?
My name is not Clint, Wayne, or Ben. I consequently belong to that highly gifted and unbelievably good looking late sixties generation who think, quite rightly, that the world owes them a living.
Were you a psychedelic kid?
Nothing since has matched that has it?
You stay in denial my dear.
I won't be the one to argue.
We'd all like the opportunity to make a mess of it in our own way.
What's wrong with Ben?
I think you must be called Arthur or Mungo.
i ended up going WHO are these people!!
I am so out of touch
I was very frightened by the first pictures, Kaz. The prints of wails!
I'm sure old Drew will be delighted that you've discovered his corsetry background and be very appreciative of your attention to detail!
I'm sure you have Rod Stewart's hair, Bianca Jagger's fiery personality and George Best's proclivity for the Chardy. I had NO IDE they were only 46 though.
Pip Pip!
I think it's a very stateside sort of site.
And I can't imagine you reading HEAT magazine.
On clicking the corset I find out that a black one costs 1 shilling extra.
It's obviously Drew's favourite colour.
You are scarily accurate - I once went to the hair dresser and asked for a Rod Stewart.
Fatboy Slim, the very dishy Jason Isaacs, the very dishy Coolio, Briggitte Nielsen, Mike Myers and the incredibly famous Downtown Julie Brown, whoever the flip SHE is.
Is Geoff trying to claim that he is the same age as Barack Obama? Tch tch.
Happy birthday to Drew, if he can read this without his bi focals on.
I don't understand why I'm not pictured on the pages for those born in 1960....I don't recognise most of those who are.
You can't get much cooler than Coolio.
Geoff is your younger man isn't he?
Would you really like to be on the same page as Jonathan Ross?
Maybe not, no.
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